

  • Yayınevi:
  • Yazar:
  • ISBN:
  • Stok Adedi:
    Stokta Yok
  • Sayfa :
  • Yayın Dili :
  • Ebat :
    10,5 X 18
  • Basım Tarihi:
  • Son Basım Tarihi:
    20.02.2017 1.Baskı


“That is good image,” he said. “Well, I shall tell you. My thesis is this: I want you to believe.”

“To believe what?”

“To believe in things that you cannot. Let me illustrate. I heard once of an American who so defined faith: ‘that faculty which enables us to believe things which we know to be untrue.’ For one, I follow that man. He meant that we shall have an open mind, and not let a little bit of truth check the rush of a big truth, like a small rock does a railway truck. We get the small truth first. Good! We keep him, and we value him; but all the same we must not let him think himself all the truth in the universe.”

Basım Tarihi: 20.02.2017
Son Basım Tarihi: 20.02.2017
Kaçıncı Baskı 1.Baskı
Kağıt Türü 1. Hamur
Kapak Türü Karton
Baskı Durumu: Stokta Yok
Barkod: 9786059533171
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