Easy Readers Level 2 - Ali and the Magic Carpet

Easy Readers Level 2 - Ali and the Magic Carpet

  • Yayınevi:
  • Yazar:
  • ISBN:
  • Stok Adedi:
    Stokta Yok
  • Sayfa :
  • Yayın Dili :
  • Ebat :
    15 X 21
  • Basım Tarihi:
  • Son Basım Tarihi:
    01.09.2013 1.Baskı

Easy Readers Level 2 - Ali and the Magic Carpet

One very hot day, Ali went to his uncle's shop. He saw a carpet on the floor.

"What's this?" the asked. His uncle's parrot perched on his shoulder and said, "It's a magic carpet. Sit on it."

Basım Tarihi: 01.09.2013
Son Basım Tarihi: 01.09.2013
Kaçıncı Baskı 1.Baskı
Kağıt Türü Kuşe
Kapak Türü Karton
Baskı Durumu: Stokta Yok
Barkod: 9786054441297
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