Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Engin Gold Star Classics Stage 2

  • Yayınevi:
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  • Ebat :
    12 X 19
  • Basım Tarihi:
  • Son Basım Tarihi:
    25.10.2016 1.Baskı
70,00 ₺

Sherlock Holmes

Shelock Holmes In this book there are two stories of the very talented detective Sherlock Holmes. The first one is ‘’A Study in Scarlet’’. In this story Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. Watsontries to find out the murderer of Debber and Stangerson. In the second story , ‘’The Hound of Baskervilles ‘’ , Holmes and watson investigate the mysterious death of sir Charles.

Basım Tarihi: 25.10.2016
Son Basım Tarihi: 25.10.2016
Kaçıncı Baskı 1.Baskı
Kağıt Türü 1. Hamur
Kapak Türü Karton
Orijinal Dili İngilizce
Barkod: 1000320152600
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