Seeking a Legal Perspective on International Migration and Turkey

Seeking a Legal Perspective on International Migration and Turkey

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    16 X 23
  • Basım Tarihi:
  • Son Basım Tarihi:
    01.05.2012 1.Baskı
  • Barkod:
365,00 ₺

Seeking a Legal Perspective on International Migration and Turkey

Every chapter in this book has been prepared as an independent part of academic research projects. During the projects I have received tremendous support from various excellent academics. Prof. Philippe Fargues (CARIM), Prof. Alessandra Venturini (CARIM), Nathalie Jouant (CARIM), Prof. Kemal Kirişçi (Boğaziçi University), Prof. Ahmet İcduygu (Koc University), Prof. Cemil Kaya (istanbul University), Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou (ELIAMEP), Prof. Frank Düvel (Oxford University), Dr. Bastian Vollmer (Oxford University) Prof. Yücel Acer (Çanakkale University) and Dr. Mahir Gümüş (Çanakkale University) are just to name a few.

I must also acknowledge the support given at institutional level by CARIM–Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (European University Institute/Italy) and COMPAS–Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (Oxford University/UK). Each chapter of this book is made available by the fınancial support of the European Commission.

Basım Tarihi: 01.05.2012
Son Basım Tarihi: 01.05.2012
Kaçıncı Baskı 1.Baskı
Kağıt Türü 3. Hamur
Kapak Türü Karton
Barkod: Barkod
Barkod: 9786054354283
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